Monday, 6 October 2014


So because john told you the truth about how you get unnecessarily angry you decide not to talk to him for a john's point is proven 100 percent. 
The other day I was driving very slow and still managed to splash a little water on the foot of a guy who was already pulling aggressive behaviours from afar,,He ran towards me shouting, while dragging the handle of my door, "Madam what!?what?!why would u splash water on me?what's this rubbish?"He coursed me out while I simply apologised even if I had soo many words I could have said to him (MY WORDS WOULD HAVE KILLED HIM!) ..if I reacted angrily it would have led to something intense. I held my self respect/control tight and simply drove off ..What I did is simply what every other person should do. Do not react to the provocation in a negative way. So your angry because your girlfriend wouldn't stop talking to other boys. Why,do you choose to waste your beautiful anger on that? When you could simply understand the fact that there is something called platonic friendship, I mean where has your" Trust" gone?. 
Your mum refuses to buy you the car you always wanted but bought you a "Hyundai" not just that "Porsche".CALM DOWN! and appreciate what she has gotten you, you don't need to drive it into the fence purposely thinking she would exchange it for the car of your dreams...Trust me you would remain without a car for years. Most of us get upset at the truth. Why?"The truth is bitter" but you can't just swallow sweat things all your life. I am telling you how over weight you are and how you need to do something about it before you burst! And you get upset..o well maybe because of the way it was being said but what better way to say it than in an offensive manner? so you could be pushed faster to start the run...Anger causes a lot of negative effects like increased heart rate and High Blood Pressure... So what if his Girlfriend is Hotter than you! why do you need to hate her and be so angry at first sight? (IT'S NOT HER FAULT YOU DINT TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!) 
There are unnecessary/necessary anger..but we choose the unnecessary over the necessary. He was walking pass a bike man as the bike man almost hit him off the road, without waiting for an apology he slapped the bike man really hard on the eye! What if he got blind? We tend not to think before reaction. So because he called you stupid you simply decide to shoot his legs just because you have a police title? O NO! That's just out of uncalled frustration...we never know what medical state anyone could be in. Don't be a school teacher and take your anger all the way from your house to your students at school (FLOGGING THEM TILL THEY FAINT!) I know of a teacher that had problems with her husband at home she took her angry self to school, flogged a little kid for just saying" excuse me ma" Before she could be stopped the child began to bleed...Its unfair how we pour our unnecessary anger on the innocent, thereby punishing them for provocation they did not cause.. Some of our men would Get upset from work, come back home and give their wives black eye. (SUCH STUPIDITY!) Just because you think your a man? If you really are why don't you fight with your fellow man?! If you are the type that feels you have anger issues Why not go to the gym and and pour it out on exercising or go for a run or maybe therapy, Help yourself before you kill someone.

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